Products - A

A little larger than a egg and they are have this luscious deep purple color – naturally. They have a nutty flavor to them. Tastes of Eggplant.

A large thistle-like perennial plant of the aster family grown for its edible flower buds. The thick bracts and the receptacle of the immature flower head, known as the heart, are a culinary delicacy.

Wonderful when boiled or steamed and served with butter and lemon. High in vitamin A. Good source of Vitamin C and Iron.

This fruit is a cross between sugar apple and a cherimoya. Flavors of pineapple and vanilla cream and fewer seeds then a cherimoya.

High-fat flesh, the good fat, a nutty taste, and almond butter texture make the Hass both the classic West Coast avocado and a favorite worldwide.

Larger, smooth-skinned choices. Florida Avocados typically have less fat then Haas Avocado's. More then half of the fat in avocados is a good fat that is heart healthy.
Products - B

Basil has a hint of licorice or anise that is the perfect companion with Tomatoes. Along with adding to your favorite dishes, enjoy basil leaves fresh in salads too! Basil is the main ingredient in pesto.

Bean sprouts are the young shoots of the mung bean. They have tiny yellow leaves attached to a white shoot. Bean sprouts are crunchy and have a subtle nutty flavor with a high water content.

They have a trademark flavor of rich earthiness and candy sweetness. Baby Red beets have a tender from texture. Their greens are also tender, the flavor though, semi-bitter.

Blueberries have sweet and tart flavors. The fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and phytonutrient content in blueberries supports heart health. They can be eaten fresh or can be used in many ways such as, compote, baking, jam and our favorite, Pancakes!

Like its fellow-named citron, Buddha's hand is used mainly for its zest and peel. In fact, most varieties don't have any fruit or pulp to eat inside the peel-covered fingers. To use Buddha's hand: break off a "finger" from the hand and grate or peel the bright lemon exterior.
Products - C

AKA Prickly Pear, these neon fruits provide delicious juice that tastes like a cross between all-natural bubble gum and watermelon.

A Rainbow of nutrition and taste and offer the same subtle sweetness of traditional fresh carrots. Take a look at 5 surprising health benefits of rainbow carrots

Roughly the size of a golf ball when harvested. Its has a deep orange outer skin with small circular ridges throughout the carrot. Thumbelina carrots offer a sweet flavor with mild herbaceous undertones.

The bitterness of chicory adds delicious flavor complexity to cooked dishes. It is a common ingredient in Italian risottos. Braizing, broiling or grilling really brings out Castelefranco's sweetness.

Underneath the rind, the pale green flesh is crisp, starchy, moist, and tender. There is also a central core that may contain one small, edible cream-colored seed or be found seedless depending on the size and variety of the fruit. Black Chayote squash is crunchy and has a very mild, slightly sweet flavor with subtle notes of cucumber.

The creamy white flesh is crisp, and the central core contains one small, ovoid, flat, edible, light tan seed. White chayote squash is crunchy and mild with a sweet and light flavor similar to a cucumber, turnip, and zucchini.

The white pulp offers a mild flavor likened to a blend of banana, vanilla, mango, papaya, pineapple and coconut. The refreshing texture is soft, smooth and melting almost custard-like.

Delicate onion flavor and can be enjoyed in many dishes. Adds flavor and color to salads, vegetables, omletes and hor d'oeuvres.

Inside you will find, this angel food-like substance at the center of the nut. It fills the entire cavity where the nut’s water used to be. It is sweet like a coconut but not hard or chewy. It’s light and airy and melts in your mouth. Can be used on pastry or just open and eat.

The water found in young coconuts is not only delicious and refreshing, it is jam packed with enzymes, electrolytes, b-vitamins, and antioxidants. And for all that 1 cup of young coconut water has only 46 calories, 0 grams of fat, 6 grams of net carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Hard, ornamental, multi- colored corn cobs. Great for seasonal decor.