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A little larger than a egg and they are have this luscious deep purple color – naturally. They have a nutty flavor to them. Tastes of Eggplant.

A large thistle-like perennial plant of the aster family grown for its edible flower buds. The thick bracts and the receptacle of the immature flower head, known as the heart, are a culinary delicacy.

Wonderful when boiled or steamed and served with butter and lemon. High in vitamin A. Good source of Vitamin C and Iron.

This fruit is a cross between sugar apple and a cherimoya. Flavors of pineapple and vanilla cream and fewer seeds then a cherimoya.

High-fat flesh, the good fat, a nutty taste, and almond butter texture make the Hass both the classic West Coast avocado and a favorite worldwide.

Larger, smooth-skinned choices. Florida Avocados typically have less fat then Haas Avocado's. More then half of the fat in avocados is a good fat that is heart healthy.

Basil has a hint of licorice or anise that is the perfect companion with Tomatoes. Along with adding to your favorite dishes, enjoy basil leaves fresh in salads too! Basil is the main ingredient in pesto.

Bean sprouts are the young shoots of the mung bean. They have tiny yellow leaves attached to a white shoot. Bean sprouts are crunchy and have a subtle nutty flavor with a high water content.

They have a trademark flavor of rich earthiness and candy sweetness. Baby Red beets have a tender from texture. Their greens are also tender, the flavor though, semi-bitter.

Blueberries have sweet and tart flavors. The fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and phytonutrient content in blueberries supports heart health. They can be eaten fresh or can be used in many ways such as, compote, baking, jam and our favorite, Pancakes!

Like its fellow-named citron, Buddha's hand is used mainly for its zest and peel. In fact, most varieties don't have any fruit or pulp to eat inside the peel-covered fingers. To use Buddha's hand: break off a "finger" from the hand and grate or peel the bright lemon exterior.

AKA Prickly Pear, these neon fruits provide delicious juice that tastes like a cross between all-natural bubble gum and watermelon.

A Rainbow of nutrition and taste and offer the same subtle sweetness of traditional fresh carrots. Take a look at 5 surprising health benefits of rainbow carrots

Roughly the size of a golf ball when harvested. Its has a deep orange outer skin with small circular ridges throughout the carrot. Thumbelina carrots offer a sweet flavor with mild herbaceous undertones.

The bitterness of chicory adds delicious flavor complexity to cooked dishes. It is a common ingredient in Italian risottos. Braizing, broiling or grilling really brings out Castelefranco's sweetness.

Underneath the rind, the pale green flesh is crisp, starchy, moist, and tender. There is also a central core that may contain one small, edible cream-colored seed or be found seedless depending on the size and variety of the fruit. Black Chayote squash is crunchy and has a very mild, slightly sweet flavor with subtle notes of cucumber.

The creamy white flesh is crisp, and the central core contains one small, ovoid, flat, edible, light tan seed. White chayote squash is crunchy and mild with a sweet and light flavor similar to a cucumber, turnip, and zucchini.

The white pulp offers a mild flavor likened to a blend of banana, vanilla, mango, papaya, pineapple and coconut. The refreshing texture is soft, smooth and melting almost custard-like.

Delicate onion flavor and can be enjoyed in many dishes. Adds flavor and color to salads, vegetables, omletes and hor d'oeuvres.

Inside you will find, this angel food-like substance at the center of the nut. It fills the entire cavity where the nut’s water used to be. It is sweet like a coconut but not hard or chewy. It’s light and airy and melts in your mouth. Can be used on pastry or just open and eat.

The water found in young coconuts is not only delicious and refreshing, it is jam packed with enzymes, electrolytes, b-vitamins, and antioxidants. And for all that 1 cup of young coconut water has only 46 calories, 0 grams of fat, 6 grams of net carbs and 2 grams of protein.

Hard, ornamental, multi- colored corn cobs. Great for seasonal decor.

They are very sweet, containing about 75 percent of sugar when dried.

Beneath the skin is a dense white flesh containing numerous petite, edible black seeds. Gold Dragon fruit has a crisp, juicy texture and very sweet, tropical flavor with floral hints and no acidity.

They have a pink or magenta peel with green scale-like leaves, The inside is white with tiny edible black seeds, similar to a kiwi. The juicy, spongy pulp offers a sweet flavor with notes of berry, pear, kiwi, and watermelon, sometimes with just a hint of sourness.

also known as pitaya or the strawberry pear, is a beautiful tropical fruit that is sweet and crunchy. It tastes a bit like a cross between a kiwi and a pear.

This variety of eggplant is long and thin. They have a mild and sweet flavor without the bitterness associated with eggplant.

These eggplants may be unusual in color, but they cook very similarly to the Italian eggplant. You can use them in any recipe that calls for regular eggplant. They are great for grilling, sauteing, braising, frying or stewing.

The cream-colored inner flesh is dense with many, edible white seeds. When cooked, White eggplants are creamy and mild with a light sweet flavor.

These have a somewhat more intense flavor and the flesh is much more tender.

Smaller and packed with more seeds. Mild with a light sweet flavor. Can be used for sauteing, pan-frying, deep-frying, grilling, and baking.

Sauder’s produces a high quality, delicious, satisfying and versatile farm-fresh egg. Our traditional white eggs are fantastic on their own or as the perfect compliment to any recipe.

Sauder’s produces a high quality, delicious, satisfying and versatile farm-fresh egg. Our traditional white eggs are fantastic on their own or as the perfect compliment to any recipe.

It has a crisp texture and a sweet, nutty flavor with a pleasantly mild bitterness. Great served raw or cooked.

Approximately six inches in length, The tender white leaves endive have red to burgundy edging and a slightly bitter flavor.

Widely used for its medicinal properties. Very high in antioxidants. Can be made into tea. Can also act as a natural insect repellent.

These gorgeous Fava bean flowers are edible. Not only can you eat them, you can enjoy eating them.

AKA the pineapple guava. The flesh inside is cream-colored and encases a jelly-like center. The texture is gritty, close to that of a pear. The flesh tastes like a combination of pineapple, guava, and strawberry.

The best method is to boil them in salted water for about 10 minutes, then sauté. This ensures that the fiddleheads are thoroughly and safely cooked.

Delicious and sweet. Fiber may help alleviate constipation and keep you feeling full longer. It may also help lower cholesterol and control blood sugar levels. Figs are a good source of calcium, which can ward off osteoporosis as well as other health issues

Its flesh contains a rusted strawberry colored jellied pulp laden with the seeds of the fruit. The pulp exudes a candied syrup and confectionery flavors that darker figs cannot achieve.

This is considered a microcitrus originating from Australia. They are a finger-like fruit with tart, round, juicy, lime vesicles. Also known as citrus caviar because of the interior texture.

The flowers are entirely edible and have a neutral flavor that is mildly reminiscent of corn silk. The blossoms are also quite hardy and will retain their vibrant color and texture when exposed to heat or steam.

Garlic Scapes are the flower bud of the garlic plant. The bud is removed in late June to encourage the bulbs to thicken up. Scapes make a fabulous addition to a flower bouquet, and they are delicious to eat! Scapes taste just like garlic. They can be used in exactly the same way as garlic in any recipe.

Peeled Chinese garlic, ready for the retail shelf. 12 x 8 oz.

Excellent sizing, color, brightness, large and long fingers, spicy and fragrant flavor.

Very mildly sweet when ripe (they are toxic if eaten unripe). It's not as juicy as a cherry tomato but they have little seeds in them that give them a slight crunch. The taste is something like a tomato with a sourness at the end like cranberries.

These beautiful decorative gourds can turn any space into an Fall / Halloween wonderland.

The white flesh is custard-like and sweet; the juicy, segmented pulp contains large black seeds. The aroma has been likened to a pineapple or banana, with a uniquely acidic flavor.

Also known as the Chocolate Habanero. Fruity sweetness behind the extreme heat. They are an excellent chili for a Mexican mole sauce, or if you like rich salsa with an earthier taste.

Hot variety of chili pepper. They color as they mature. We carry a variety of colors. Some of the most popular varieties are Red, Yellow, Brown and Orange.

Kiwano connoisseurs describe the flavor of the slimy green interior as a cross between cucumber, zucchini, and kiwifruit (though as it ripens, it tastes more like a banana). Can also be used in cocktails.

It's Fuzzy brown exterior belies its emerald-green interior, which offers a refreshing flavor that's a cross between strawberry and pineapple.

The Kumquat is an entirely edible citrus fruit. The skin is often sweet and the meat is tangy and tart. Kumquats can be candied, kabobed with other fruits or meat. A superb garnish for entrees and drinks.

Because of its dark purple flowers, French lavender works well when dried and used for ornamental purposes. The flowers of the French lavender plant work well in potpourri. Because of its strong aroma, French lavender is also used in making soaps and perfumes.

The juice runs clear, not pink. But don't despair, pink lemons taste less tart than regular lemons (win), with a more fruity, floral flavor, making them ideal for desserts, such as lemon bars or lemon meringue pie, or in fruit water.

Available year-round, they're robust enough to be used in a myriad of applications, from savory to sweet. ... A whopping 60% of all Sorrento Lemons harvested in Italy are used to produce Limoncello.

A type of butter lettuce whose leaves are distinctively lobed. Ok Leaf can be used as a garnish or can be cooked or stuffed, separated into leaves or served as mature hearts.

Tangy yet sweet, wonderfully delicious loquat fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants.

Lychee is a delicious and immensely healthy fruit. Known for their flowery and sweet flavor with a jelly-like texture.

The stem-and-leaf Mandarin is some serious top-shelf citrus! They're sweet, juicy, and delicious. Similar to a tangerine but on a whole other level.

Green mango can be sour or sweet depending on the variety. contains vitamin A and Vitamin E that enhances one's hormonal system.

Mingolo Variety of Mango is a green skin fruit that ripens to yellow. They are sweet and have fiber. in the core you will find a medium sized seed. Imported from the beautiful town of Bani, Dominican Republic.

Tommy Atkins mangoes are juicy, with a somewhat fibrous flesh, and a mildly sweet taste.

The edible flesh contains an average of five to six snow white triangular segments which can be seedless or contain several flat seeds. The flesh's texture is soft and juicy with a luscious mouthfeel. The fruit has a 16% sugar content and contains volatile compounds which contribute to its floral aromatics and sweet tart tropical flavors with notes of caramel and butter. Ripe fruits will be soft and easy to peel the flesh from the shell.

These melons are of honeydew variety. Yellow exterior with a sweet, juicy, white flesh and sometimes orange close to the seed cavity. above 11% brix sugar content.

These melons have a sweet White color flesh. The name Dino Melon came about because the exterior resembles a dinosaur egg. Extremely tasty and juicy. Above 12% brix in sugar content.

The Golden honeydew melon has a bright gold-colored rind and pale green flesh. When ripe, its skin is firm, thin and smooth and the flesh is succulent, velvety and sweet.

They have translucent white flesh with three central seed cavities. When ripe their flavor is sweet with hints of pear or honeydew and has a delicate aroma. The thin skin and small seeds are edible.

Also known as Pepino Dulce, inside is a pear like textured flesh with seeds at the core. Tastes like cantaloupe with a hint of cucumber flavor.

Inside is a mellow and mildly flavored, pale-greenish flesh very similar to that of a honeydew. The ripest Santa Claus melon will have soft blossom ends that yield to gentle pressure and a vibrant yellow hue. In English they call this Melon the Santa Claus Melon or Christmas Melon because it has long keeping qualities or "until Christmas"

The flavor is stronger and the aroma is more intense than a normal orange. This fruit has a distinct, sweet flavor with a hint of raspberry.

Native to the rain forests of Central America. In fact, all parts of the Monstera plant are poisonous except the ripe fruits. the ripe fruit tastes like a combination of banana, pineapple and mango.

Pink oyster mushrooms are meaty and chewy in texture, despite their thin flesh, and have a pungent, seafood-like aroma. When raw, these mushrooms have a sour taste, but when cooked, they develop a mild, woody flavor that readily takes on the flavors of accompanying ingredients.

Yellow oyster mushrooms have a fruity aroma reminiscent of an aged red wine and are velvety, crisp, and chewy. When raw, Yellow oyster mushrooms can be somewhat bitter, but when cooked, they developed a balanced, nutty flavor similar to the flavor of cashews.

The flesh is white, meaty, and firm. Oyster mushrooms have a slightly chewy texture and are soft with a bittersweet aroma reminiscent of anise. When cooked, they have a mild and nutty, seafood-like flavor.

This vegetable can be sauteed fried, oven roasted, put in stew or gumbo, and pickled. A diet rich in okra can reduce the risk of a range of health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Enjoy these flavorful onions in soups, stews and vegetable dishes. Excellent when used in beef, chicken, fish or vegetable kabobs. No matter the season, Panda Farms' pearl onions are a flavorful addition to any meal

Enjoy these flavorful onions in soups, stews and vegetable dishes. Excellent when used in beef, chicken, fish or vegetable kabobs. No matter the season, Panda Farms' pearl onions are a flavorful addition to any meal

Enjoy these flavorful onions in soups, stews and vegetable dishes. Excellent when used in beef, chicken, fish or vegetable kabobs. No matter the season, Panda Farms' pearl onions are a flavorful addition to any meal